Surf Travellers First Aid Kit
Sometimes you wonder why it took so long to put something together that would obviously be a success. Or, more to the point why you didn't think of that yourself! But at last sensible Aussies, Jono and Scott from New South Wales Company, Natural Footed, have put together the definitive surfers first aid travel pack. After extensive research, (Yeah yeah boys, putting Indo boat trips on the tax deductible list…), the guys have put together everything you need for that jaunt to spine-infested, razor sharp live-coral waters. I'm sure their research involved chatting to a fair few good-looking nurses along the way too... In a handy size for packing, be sure to get one of these or ask your dealer for one, and make a point of reading the useful manual included, for instructions on how to get the best use and sensible treatment of those inevitable cuts and scrapes. Now there’s no excuse for not going hard! Charge on friends!
This is really interesting, thanks for the info!
21/3/06 3:23 AM
Brian, you really need to learn to spell - it's TRAVELLLERS!
21/3/06 3:24 AM
Ha! Well I never. I normally pride myself on my spelling, so thanks for pointing that out! Back to skool for me then...
21/3/06 5:17 AM
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